Saturday, March 10, 2007


The Memo….Intelligence, for your poker game! Why do people write? People write to copy complete thoughts, usually for a purpose. Well, that's exactly what I intend to do.

My name is Jason Gunn. I have been known to go by a few different nicknames though; Gunn, Mr. Gunn, Mr. AK47, Bad Mother F*cker, Gunn Hansen, Gunny, Gunny Highway, Gunner, Gunna, Jase, Big Jase, Train Wreck, etc...

And as for a bit about me...well, I am living in Orlando Florida. Only have been here for a short while. I just relocated to Florida for a job. I work in broadcast news. I am originally from Virginia Beach, VA. That's were most of my friends and family are located.

Essentially I have lived two lives... By whole life all I ever wanted to do is work in the television business. I worked hard and intelligently and found myself working the broadcast media field. I couldn't be happier with the way my career is shaping up. I still have many dreams and aspirations when it comes to the field of mass media or entertainment. I am 26-years-old and my career is seemingly just starting. By night...I am a card player. I've known how to play poker as far as I can remember. I got serious about it after watching an episode of the "Sopranos", and finding the Executive Game quite appealing. That was in 1999, and since then, there was no turning back. To put it simply, most people use their post institutional education on the stock market or in real estate spending and making thousands. My post institutional education came on a poker table.

When I started to play poker I knew very little about the game. I knew cards, able to detect values and was able to play to the best of my ability that my knowledge of the game could give me.

In recent years the popularity of poker has dramatically increased in our world of pop culture. Easily seen in the World Series of Poker attendance for their main event, 631 in 2002, 839 in 2003, 2576 in 2004, 5619 in 2005, 8773 in 2006. With the new interest, comes all types of people wanting to learn and play. This is what many have called the "poker boom". The World Series of Poker brings the game to the living room of the world in ways that were never thought of previously. That first year in 2002 the world saw an everyday accountant become a millionaire by playing his cards right.

For me personally, my "boom" came when that one episode of the Sopranos aired on HBO and I saw doctor's, lawyers, gangsters, and entertainers sitting down sifting through thousands of dollars, all for one purpose, to play the game. I was immediately intrigued. It started with Big Pussy's Executive Game, an interactive game from the show's website. It eventually turned to online play, live play at home, live play at free bar leagues, then to the casinos. Pretty much finding any shape, form, or fashion where I can get my adrenaline flowing through a card game.

Compared to some, I only have limited experience as an amateur. Compared to others, I am good enough to play professionally. That being said, I dare not write to tell others what to do, or how to play. I write because I want to share my experiences, of what works in this game, what I do, and to the people who see me do it how it can be done. Again, I am not a professional, so there's really no need to take any advice that may be given here. But what I can say is, I am an advanced and knowledgeable person as an amateur in this game, I would like to help and teach any and all of those who are willing to listen.

I am Jason Gunn. And this is The Memo. Intelligence for your poker game!

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